Charlotte Mendly
Brinsley Community Choir started in May 2012 and was initially a get together with friends and a quick trip the pub afterwards. News soon spread of the new singing group and members grew from twelve to eighty members.
The core of the choir is community. We are committed to make our singing mark in the area we live. We do this by singing at local events, raising money for local charities and welcoming new faces and building friendships during our rehearsals.
Charities we've supported include Treetops Hospice, Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, PASIC, SOBS, Nottinghamshire Hospice and Broxtowe Women's Project.
Our achievements include regional coverage for the release of 'Angels' charity single, raising money for local charities at our annual concerts and winning the choir class at Selston Music Festival 2019.
New members welcome, no audition or joining fee.
All sessions are £6.00 pay as you go, with no upfront payment.
Brinsley & Nuthall Community Choir
7:30pm - 9pm
Nuthall Methodist Church
Ilkeston Community Choir
10:30am - 11:30am
Arena Church
Please get in touch for more information.
What to gain
Singing is proven to improve mental wellbeing, especially when singing in a group. There are also physical benefits to gain when joining a choir.
Some of the potential benefits are:
Improve posture
Enhance singing ability
Develop friendships
Learn to sing in harmony
Impact local communities through fundraising